Update! There might be a few new errors, please let me know.

Loading game files is now being tested!
The files you want to load are called <planet>-gamestate-3.sav, e.g. earth-gamestate-3.sav

These files are located in
PC - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<your steam>\346900\remote\
Mac - ~/Users/<you>/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/<your steam>/346900/remote/
Linux - ?
# Angels
Type Number Mega Ticket $ / Cycle Cycle Time $ / Second % of total $ / Second
{{WorldFactory.statics[ref.name].investments[$index].name}} ${{inv.cycleIncome | num:format}} {{inv.cycleTime | time:format}} ${{inv.income | num:format}} {{inv.incomePercent | num:format}}%
Cost of Upgrades
Type $ Cost +1 Time Cost +1 $ Cost +10 Time Cost +10 $ Cost +bonus Time Cost +bonus $ Cost +all bonus Time Cost +all bonus
{{WorldFactory.statics[ref.name].investments[$index].name}} ${{rUC[0] | num:format}} {{rUC[1] | time:format}} ${{rUC[2] | num:format}} {{rUC[3] | time:format}} ${{rUC[4] | num:format}} {{rUC[5] | time:format}} ${{rUC[6] | num:format}} {{rUC[7] | time:format}}
Cash Upgrades
Angel Upgrades
Gold Upgrades + Suits
Other Bonuses Please only input the bonus you have.
For example, if you have a 30% Angel Investor increase from a Christmas event, so now your base Angel Investor bonus is 32%, but with upgrades it could easily be above 40%, please only input 30 or the calculations will be off.

Total $ / second : {{ref.totalMoneyPerSecond | number}} ({{ref.totalMoneyPerSecond | num:0}})

Total $ / minute : {{ref.totalMoneyPerSecond * 60 | number}} ({{ref.totalMoneyPerSecond * 60 | num:0}})

Total $ / hour : {{ref.totalMoneyPerSecond * 3600 | number}} ({{ref.totalMoneyPerSecond * 3600 | num:0}})

Angel Calculations All of values in the tables will include sacrificed angels in calculating the number required to increase by x%. The only exception is Doubled w/o Sacrificed which should match your in game numbers exactly and does not include sacrificed angels.
Lifetime Earnings
# Angels Sacrificed
Number of Angels Lifetime Cost Lifetime Difference Difference Time Cost
{{aUC[0]}} x {{aUC[1] | num:format}} AI ${{aUC[2] | num:format}} ${{aUC[3] | num:format}} {{aUC[4] | time:format}}
Filter Recommendations

Don't show:

Upgrades that take longer than (Days : Hours : Minutes)
: :
Upgrades that cost more than

Upgrades that have % Increase in $ / Second less than

Recommendation: {{ref.recommendation}}

Upgrade To Upgrade Score (higher = better) Cost of Upgrade Cost of Upgrade in Time Increase in $ / Second % Increase in $ / Second Apply
{{rec[0] | rec:ref.name}} {{rec[1] | num:format}} {{rec[2] | num:format}} ${{rec[3] | num:format}} {{rec[4] | time:format}} ${{rec[5] | num:format}} {{rec[6] | num:format}}%